Awana Cubbies Awards Night
Approximately 150 elementary school aged children took part in the Cubbies Awards night held at Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville. The children demonstrated what they had learned during the year through song and memorized Bible verses. Children were given awards for meeting goals of memorized verses, and for their commitment to the Awana Cubbies program.
Schenk Photography was on-hand to shoot candid photos of the program, and brought the onsite printing capability for immediate prints of children with ‘Cubbie.’ Schenk Photography proudly returns a percentage of all purchases to the LHBC Cubbie program. Thank you to all parents that supported the Cubbies program with your purchase of a picture.
It’s a dynamic program for young children. Check out what Awana Cubbies is all about: Plug into a Cubbies group near you, or learn more about the programs at Long Hollow Baptist Church:
Find all of the photos from the night here.