Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament

For 15 years and counting, the Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce golf tournament has been a premier event. This year was no exception. This tournament gives select sponsors the chance to entertain clients, be associated with the top community leadership and promote their support of economic development in Hendersonville.
Each player and sponsor that took part in the event took home a custom designed Schenk Photography photo printed immediately onsite. The Hendersonville Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored the photo gift.
Sponsorship was so widespread for this event; the chamber wanted a way to remind guests who was actually the one throwing the party! A custom designed photo gift from Schenk Photography makes an excellent sponsorship opportunity for your golf tournament. Make your sponsorship dollars last the whole year long while the photo with your logo sits on their desk.
This event was the first at which we showcased our new self-contained printer cart. This cart allows the Schenk Photography Event Team to roll into any event, and simply plug in. This “DRIL” cart (Digital Remote Imaging Lab) takes Schenk Photography to the next level of convenience and professionalism for your event. To see the DRIL team in action at your golf tournament, or any upcoming event, give Tracy a call today 615-443-4361.
If you participated in the tournament, find your photo here.